Grappling Industries Results

grappling industries bjj knoxville

Congratulations to Cory Simpson and Cole Hamelryk for competing at Grappling Industries in Knoxville, TN. Both guys earning silver in gi and no-gi.

Dee Smith Promoted to Second Degree Black Belt

Dee Smith Promoted to Second Degree Black Belt 1

Congratulations to Dee Smith, for his promotion to second degree black belt. Dee has been training Jiu Jitsu for more than twenty-five years. Dee was awarded this rank from seventh degree coral belt, Julio “Foca” Fernandez, and third degree black belt, Andrew Smith, in Richmond, VA on February 15th, 2020.

Congratulations Richard Salamone

Congratulations Richard Salamone 4

Absolute Jiu Jitsu would like to congratulate Richard Salamone, for his promotion to black belt in Jiu Jitsu. Richard, has decades worth of grappling experience and we are very fortunate to have him as a part of the AJJ team. Congrats Rich!

Julio “Foca” Fernandez

Julio “Foca” Fernandez

We at Absolute Jiu-Jitsu Academy would like to thank Julio Fernandez, for stopping by again and sharing the wealth of knowledge he has and his perspective on Jiu-Jitsu. Julio is one of the founders of the BJJ Revolution Team that we are affiliated with. You can read more about him on the official BJJ Revolution […]

Aaron Lapointe

Aaron Lapointe Jiu Jitsu

A big thank you again to Aaron Lapointe for stopping by and showing us some really good techniques on the feet and on the ground. We look forward to seeing you again soon.